Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So we made up

It was just one of those times where the bump in the road needed extra time to drive over. Things are back to normal with Kuma and me. It was certainly a learning experience that's for sure. I miss him so much, soon though I'll be with him. Going to be with him from the 26th -30th of April , can't wait then I'm going to be back in Houston in May to see him again.

Idk Wtf to do

I've been noticing that Kuma and I have not been clicking lately. We can't seem to ever say the right thing to each other. I'm so drained with trying to figure out the right thing to say and having to walk on egg shells. I honestly don't know what to do at this point, I told him we should take a break for a day or so to handle the stuff in our lives. I'm having to deal with work crap and my apprenticeship and he has work and school and having to prepare for his roommates family coming into town. Wtf do I do bc I have no clue, is there some manual to this?