Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Life is good

Can't complain to much about my life at the moment , I have been going to the doctor for a bad stomach problem but other than that life is good. I have a bf that actually is working out, hope writing a out it isn't going to jinx it. I decided to mix it up a bit and go for a slightly younger guy this time and it's working out so far. The passion is there and also the connection, work is also very good. I'm glad I can afford to pay all my bills with no insurance. Been going to midland to visit the family more, like I said before my life is good right now. I'm working on making it even better, this year is my year to really step it up.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Been sick

Been sick but I'm slowly coming back to life :) so I started dating a guy and things were looking up when just my luck they took a turn for the worst like always ha ha. I should have not let my guard down so easily, I just see that me and him are on very different levels. I give 110% and he gave me 10%. I'm not mad just not happy at the possible outcome of this relationship. I knew there was a risk getting involved with another guy, there is always a risk right? If it ends then so be it, just life's way of letting me know I can't find love in the shit hole of a town. Good thing I didn't fall in love.