Saturday, April 28, 2012

He ceases to amaze me everyday

So tonight we went to an event Kuma helps run once a month at a lil bar/club for his gaming group called gaymers. It took me a min to adjust and fall into the groove of things. I always find new ways to love this man everyday. I love being introduced as his bf, but hate that everyone acts like it was an impossible thing for him. He's a total catch and I'm the lucky one to have him in my life.

Had a great day with the man I love

No zoo bc they closed at 4 today rather than the usual 6pm so we went to walk in the Japanese gardens for a few hours. met one of his good friends and be was awesome enough to take pics of us. Can't imagine being with anyone else now or any other time. For the longest time I had only known a man who acted like I wasn't his partner in public, now that I'm with Kuma he isn't afraid to hug me in front of anyone or kiss me when I need it most. We had a moment today where I wasn't ok and we talked and all I wanted was for him to hug me and tell me I'm his one and only. He did just that and didn't hesitate to hold me tight and kiss me, I needed reassurance from him. And yeah I swore to never cry again after I was hurt so bad, I let one slip. I feel comfortable with him so idk how my goodbye is going to be like. I don't want to leave his side now that I'm here. Zoo tomorrow yay finally!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Almost there

I'm so excited to be so close to being in Houston with Kuma, tomorrow is the big day yay!!! Can't stop listening to romantic love songs , what can I say I'm in love lol. I have gone through so much to get to this point and now that I have a great man and my tattoo lifestyle is taking off I couldn't be happier. Yesterday on my way to the mall I drove past D's job and I thought of him but not the "I miss him sense" more like I hope he is able to stop letting his family run his life and do what he wants without regrets and just be happy. He did me wrong but I was raised to not hold a grudge, I have my happiness he deserves his.. Just not with me lol bc I have my perfect man. I love my nose piercing but I free tired of the curved barbell so I switched it to a captive ring instead like a bull ring ha ha well I am a Taurus so it suits me, I also got a sweet Batman bellybutton ring. I wanna switch my nipple rings to bars now bc sometimes the rings flip up and I hate it. Oh that reminds me that I'm going to get a tattoo when I get back from Houston, been itching for a new one but didn't wanna travel to see Kuma with a new tat.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Got my septum pierced

I took a lot of thinking and we'll I got it done I have been wanting this piercing for a long time. I asked Kuma what he thought and he said go for it basically . I love it so much, yeah its a pain now but when its healed it'll be worth it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Life is good

Life just keeps handing me great things, I know it won't always be this way but I've been through my own tough times so I'll be able to handle it especially that now I'm not alone. I've got a tattoo convention this month on the 21 & 22 then leave the 26 to Houston to be with my man. Miss him so much in more ways than one lol ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Being sick sucks and not in a good way .

Work at enterpriseis almost unbearable but I make it through fine most days but man lately I have been tempted to quit more than usual. Things are going perfect at the shop I got some major training  done Saturday, I believe I did 10-12 piercings. And I'll be able to make money doing both, so after this upcoming weekend I'll decide if I'm going to put in my 2 Weeks notice. I got sick from one of my piercing teachers but I'm almost better, just sucks being sick at work and not having my Kuma to hug while I rest in bed at home. I have the lil teddy bear he got me for Valentines day but that's a far cry from my real teddy bear waiting for me in Houston. its hard being this far away from him bc we can't read each other very well through the phone and can only console each other so much through the phone. Not to mention that I've been super horny lately, sex is important to me but I can wait. I love him way to much to cheat, when we first started talking more seriously I stopped using growlr all together I haven't used it in months. No matter how much we disagree on some things or how stubborn I am and emotional he is I have yet to think about breaking up with him. I told him when we first me that the next man that hears me say I love you to him will be the one. I gave it a lot of thought and I am in love with him, he gets me and wants us to be happy. He is perfect in my eyes and in my heart. I am very lucky I found him and blessed to have this life with him in it. RAWR babe!