Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Downsides to every passion in life

I've dedicated my life to tattooing, but it's can't all be happy times. There are those slow times that make or break an artist, the bills don't stop coming and the money isn't rolling in like it used to. The weather of the day greatly affect how my days go too. To make things worse my car broke down and I don't have the $$ to fix it. It's days like these that make me want to be home and just sleep till it's over. It's my roommates birthday today and I can't even buy him a drink. I'm not happy with my work and the progress I'm making. I'm trying to stand tough but life keeps slowly chipping my walls down. My biggest fear in life is that I'll wake up a failure in life. I don't want to be a small town tattoo artist who does half ass tattoos, I have one life and one shot at making it. I won't give up on my dreams, the strength is there I just have to be brave enough to find it and keep going.