Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So I talked to a guy today and he said he could fix my laptop for $300, I am trying to sell my Wii to make up half that. I'm planning on asking my parents to loan me the rest so I can finally get it fixed. I rely on my laptop so much. I also need to pay my phone which is $52. I don't make enough in tips right now bc the shop just opened and isn't getting the business it needs just yet. If I was a call boy I'm sure I can make enough to buy a house lol but I'm not going down that road. Lets just hope I can pull a miracle out of my broke ass and get it fixed and my phone paid.


So last night this guy came into the shop to get one of our free tattoos, I helped him out and got him set up. I thought he left but later came back, and I noticed that he changed his shirt and fixed his hair. He wasn't getting a new tattoo just hanging around the shop. Well come to find out he was scoping me out, and yeah I was not interested. Before he left he slipped the receptionist a lighter with his number written on it, she handed it to me after he left. I was quick to say, no thanks but I'm keeping this bad ass lighter ha ha ha. MP our receptionist was so mad that I wasn't going to give him a shot, she told me he was cute and sweet. I still wasn't changing my mind because he was definately not my type. Oh and really who gives you a broken lighter with your number on it, better make sure that shit works when you give it to me. I think thats been the fourth number I've gotten from a guy while working at the shop, going to start a collection jar soon. I'm flattered but not interested in any of them.

One month down!!!!!!

So I finally completed my first month at the shop, I'm so happy that I got this far. I look back on my older posts of when I was eagerly waiting for them to call me. I remember being so nervous to take my drawing test that I almost threw up. I recall when my boss man told me I was good enough to become an apprentice in his shop, I almost cried but didn't want to look like some punk ass. My first day I was fucking nervous like the first day of school all over again, I remember being so scared to talk to any of the artists or other apprentices. I've grown to love them all and confide in them when I need help with something. I've seen numerous apprentices come and take the test to only throw this opporunity away. I love every minute of it and even though some times are hard and feel like they are breaking you down its all worth it. It makes you stronger. I was recently promoted to lead apprentice so that means its my job to direct the apprentices in whos doing what. I like it because I've held manager positions before so I'm used to it. I don't just sit on the sidelines and watch them work, I get into the cleaning with them and sign waving too. The title lead doesn't change all that much for me, just means that if they have a problem they tell me and I'll fix it and just be in charge of things so that they can focus on perfecting their drawings skills and learing from the artists. I see potential in everyone of them, its up to them to have the drive to reach the end and become a pro tattooist. I know I have the drive and the passion. I have made some bad ass friends at the shop and we have become a tight crew, I know what to expect from them and they know what to expect from me so we work smoothly together. I'm happy where I'm at now, and having these people around me has really helped me move on with my life.