Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy thanksgiving ♣️

What am I thankful for? I'm thankful for a lot this year.  I have my health, my family, and friends. I've taken a big leap of faith to further my tattooing. After this I only have two options: 1. Fail and have to come back to texas with my pride shot in the head or 2. I succeed and make a name for myself and start living a life I am proud to live. Either way I am going to put my 100% into every tattoo and piece of artwork I do. There is one guy who I will always love and miss, if you've read this D just know I love you and I always will. I hope whatever life you have now I hope you are happy :) 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Update 11/3/13

It's my day off and today is a cold gloomy day. I did get some cleaning done though and took Roo for a walk. I need a bigger jacket :( so many things have changed in my life. I sometimes feel like I'm in a movie theatre watching events unfold in my life. This year was a year of growing and figuring out what I wanted to truly do with my life and how I'm going to get there. I will never quit tattooing. I love this life I have made for myself, I plan on doing bigger and better things in the next years of my life so one day I can look back and be proud at who I've become and the struggles I have survived through. I'm able to do what I want and better my skill with every tattoo now, I have my line work down so now I can concentrate more on filling and finishing solid tattoos. I do need to get my own machines because I've been barrowing my best friends extra machines since mine took a shit one day :( I'm working hard everyday but I will admit I could work harder. I've been working on drawing 5 custom pieces in 3 days, I have big weeks ahead of me. I don't think this will ever be read by anyone else besides me, but if you happen to have read my blog and are reading this now you can follow me on Instagram @gabesmithtattoos

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Well I spoke to soon ha ha

So me and J split up... Think I might have jinxed it or it just wasn't meant to be. Either way I'm proud to say that my life is headed in a better direction. For me my life has just barely begun and there is more to see before the day I die. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hmm..... It's been a while since I've posted anything

I'm proud to say that I have been building a very good portfolio for myself and I have been in a very good relationship for almost 8 months now. I'm very much in love with him, lets call him "J". Going to the body art expo in Houston next month and then a 4 day vacation with my babe for his bday. Life is good:) 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Life is good

Can't complain to much about my life at the moment , I have been going to the doctor for a bad stomach problem but other than that life is good. I have a bf that actually is working out, hope writing a out it isn't going to jinx it. I decided to mix it up a bit and go for a slightly younger guy this time and it's working out so far. The passion is there and also the connection, work is also very good. I'm glad I can afford to pay all my bills with no insurance. Been going to midland to visit the family more, like I said before my life is good right now. I'm working on making it even better, this year is my year to really step it up.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Been sick

Been sick but I'm slowly coming back to life :) so I started dating a guy and things were looking up when just my luck they took a turn for the worst like always ha ha. I should have not let my guard down so easily, I just see that me and him are on very different levels. I give 110% and he gave me 10%. I'm not mad just not happy at the possible outcome of this relationship. I knew there was a risk getting involved with another guy, there is always a risk right? If it ends then so be it, just life's way of letting me know I can't find love in the shit hole of a town. Good thing I didn't fall in love.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tired of carrying everyone on my back

I have to take responsibility for a lot of stuff I don't even need to but I do because nobody else is stepping up to do them. I'm tired and close to just saying "fuck it do it yourself". I don't say much, I'm more of an observer. I've seen some pretty bad choice coming from some of the people around me and I want to say something but at the same time I don't feel like I have the right to say something. The way I see it is that of you don't care enough to help yourself I shouldn't go out of my way to help you out, if I see that you want change I don't mind helping out. I have major bills that I need to pay and so I work hard and make the money and save, others have even greater responsibility on their hands and don't save or plan anything. I have a lot of love in my heart but little compassion for those who expect others to pick up their slack.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sold for $900 to the man with a creepy wife

Finally sold my crap mobile also known as my explorer. Gonna have to wait till Monday probably to get a newer car, I don't know if I should go to a dealership or buy off Craigslist again. I saw a nice dodge stealth for sale and I think it my be my brothers old stealth he sold a few years ago. It would be great to have it back in the family but All Mine he he I've always loved his stealth

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Valentines day is fast approaching

I spent thanksgiving, Xmas , and New Years alone last year and I hope that's not the case this year. I've realized that I'm gonna be in Odessa for the next 4-5 years till I move to another town or state so I have time to build a relationship and have my special someone. I just can't find someone who has a bad ass life like I do, and it's not like I'm putting myself up on a pedestal, I just am awarded certain freedoms that most guys aren't. I can stay up at off hours of the night and party when I want because I don't work until 2 in the afternoon. I go to conventions in other states and I'd like my partner to go with me.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Made it through the chaos

I had a very successful day off today, I cleaned a bit and got to work on the explorer even when I didn't know what to do. I had to call my brother several times to ask about what to do, he's a very good brother because even though he was busy he took the time for my phone calls and walked me through my problems or gave me several solutions. After some money spent and a few trips to the auto parts store I fixed my u joints and fixed my muffler too. The explorer still drives like a dying horse but it gives me a little relief I need right now, because I need a car and while I'm saving to buy another car I can drive this bucket of bolts and sell it. I've come to a decision that I may only get around 800-1200 on it depending on the buyer, my brother said if I could come up with 1500-2000 he will loan me 1000 to buy a nice car for myself. I'm really counting on it, I move into the new apt next Monday and I want to be able to not worry a out a crappy car giving out on me. I miss trusting my car to go out of town in.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day off

I didn't want to wake up today, just to many problems to think about. My car is a piece of shit and I need to get it to another town so my brother can look at it and possibly fix it but I can't drive it nor do I have the money for a tow. I have other bills I need to pay that are getting close to their due date and I'm trying to save every penny I have just to make it. I'm trying very hard not to give up but it's getting harder and harder everyday. My roommates girlfriend has a vehicle but I don't like to ask for her to drive me anywhere because she is pregnant and needs her rest. I'm working hard to buy another car while my co workers just bullshit away. I hate that they rely on me for rides. I feel like telling them to get their own cars so I don't have to feel like I am their messenger boy. The nice guy in me is slowly stepping back from the front lines and someone less nice is stepping up, I don't want to be selfish but they also need to know when to grow up and stand on their own two feet. I'm tired of having to always be responsible and make sure everything is ok. I'm done

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Downsides to every passion in life

I've dedicated my life to tattooing, but it's can't all be happy times. There are those slow times that make or break an artist, the bills don't stop coming and the money isn't rolling in like it used to. The weather of the day greatly affect how my days go too. To make things worse my car broke down and I don't have the $$ to fix it. It's days like these that make me want to be home and just sleep till it's over. It's my roommates birthday today and I can't even buy him a drink. I'm not happy with my work and the progress I'm making. I'm trying to stand tough but life keeps slowly chipping my walls down. My biggest fear in life is that I'll wake up a failure in life. I don't want to be a small town tattoo artist who does half ass tattoos, I have one life and one shot at making it. I won't give up on my dreams, the strength is there I just have to be brave enough to find it and keep going.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Colder weather

Not a big fan of cold weather but it's oddly not as cold now that there is a little snow than when it was just cold. The shop slowed down a bit but not to a stand still. Just hoping this weather doesn't freeze me before it gets warm. Also I haven't been talking to any guys bc I'm just focusing on me, been sick with a cold and strep throat :( I like it, I notice that I don't pick up my phone as much anymore Gonna focus on my artwork more now