Saturday, April 28, 2012

He ceases to amaze me everyday

So tonight we went to an event Kuma helps run once a month at a lil bar/club for his gaming group called gaymers. It took me a min to adjust and fall into the groove of things. I always find new ways to love this man everyday. I love being introduced as his bf, but hate that everyone acts like it was an impossible thing for him. He's a total catch and I'm the lucky one to have him in my life.

Had a great day with the man I love

No zoo bc they closed at 4 today rather than the usual 6pm so we went to walk in the Japanese gardens for a few hours. met one of his good friends and be was awesome enough to take pics of us. Can't imagine being with anyone else now or any other time. For the longest time I had only known a man who acted like I wasn't his partner in public, now that I'm with Kuma he isn't afraid to hug me in front of anyone or kiss me when I need it most. We had a moment today where I wasn't ok and we talked and all I wanted was for him to hug me and tell me I'm his one and only. He did just that and didn't hesitate to hold me tight and kiss me, I needed reassurance from him. And yeah I swore to never cry again after I was hurt so bad, I let one slip. I feel comfortable with him so idk how my goodbye is going to be like. I don't want to leave his side now that I'm here. Zoo tomorrow yay finally!!