Thursday, March 3, 2011

Motha Fuckn Hobby Lobby

So D got this sudden urge to go to Hobby Lobby today and see what was on sale, well needless to say we ended up walking out of the store -$81.00 lol. Then we get home and tell K about the huge 50% off sale they are having and she asks us to go back with her so we could help her decorate her room. We get there and its like a mind fuck because there are so many things to choose from like types of words to fonts they come in to what color best fits her room. We finally settle on a few things and are looking around for more when out of nowhere D comes and puts this HUGE ASS picture frame in our cart and says its to add to the deco we bought earlier, FML!! Well K told me that I had a budget of $70 to spend on decorations, well I'm so good that when the cashier rang everything up it came out to $72 because of taxes. Not to mention the frame D bought our total for the day came out to $102, but I don't regret it at all because its adding memories to our little apt family. D is off today so we are going to hang all the decorations up in K's room and our room and move her room around to fit in D and K's brother A. He is younger than K but not the baby of the family that's M. D got him a job working with him and yesterday was his first day, I know he will go far if he applies himself. Going to tattoo my brother tonight, he wants some stars on the back of his neck. D still has a grudge against him but I don't blame him, just wish he would respect me enough to move past it and not expect me to completely drop my brother out of my life. One day they will come to terms especially if D is to be in my life forever, I want that but guess that's easier said than done. We are working on it and I'm working on my anger problems and hopefully he is working on showing me more respect and stop treating me like a child. I see the love D has for me and know its there but see that he expresses it differently than most people would. I don't know if I could ever get his name tattooed on my body but I would def get something that represents my love for him. Hm maybe a shamrock will do with a script "D" in the middle. I'll think of it for a while ha ha, well to all my readers thank you for reading and for the comments. Just know that I may not know you but I already love you, so I hope you never go a day thinking you don't have love in your life because I am here and if you talk to me I WILL answer!! I promise because I know what it is like being lonely and feel invisible to the world especially the ones we love and adore. Blesses Be!!!