Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Wow what a ride it has been. In two weeks I will be going back to Texas for a guest spot at the shop I used to tattoo for in Odessa. I have worries and doubts but I'm positive it won't be that bad, I've been away for 9 months and it feels like things have changed so much I don't know what home will feel like. Moving to MD has been a different experience, I don't picture myself going back permanently. One thing I've learned this year is that family emergencies suck and give you nothing but headaches and bad dreams :( being so far away does have it's negative sides. Also getting my ride or die back into my life !!! I miss Roo !!! We've been thinking about adopting my boss' dog Bella into the family, she spent a week with us and so far she fits in but unless she plays nice with Roo we won't be able to. I've been able to enjoy every season this year, I didn't know that the changing of the seasons was so amazing. Fall is definitely my favorite here, I love the trees being so many warm gorgeous colors. Life with James has never been better, I feel like he's one of my best friends. The adventures we have make my life so full of happiness, he has been at my side through some hard times. I am very proud to call him mine, love at first sight really. I don't know what I did to deserve a man like him, everyday with him in my life has been a blessing. The next step in the relationship is meeting the family!! I'm sure he'll pass with flying colors. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The move has been good just a few mountains to climb still. No car = trapped :( the money isn't coming in like I'm used to and supplies are getting low with no money to order more. I get maybe one client a week and I'm busting my ass everyday cleaning and running the shop on top of that. Going to be working the Baltimore convention but I'm not sure how that is going to go when I barely have the funds to get through the week. Eventually things will get better, but "when" is the important part. I wish I could vent to someone but I don't. I'm surrounded by people but nobody I can talk to on a serious level. Idk maybe I'm just having an emotional day. Hopefully my next post will be a happier one. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Update 3-3-14

Been in Maryland since jan. 22nd and I love it so far but I haven't seen much because I moved without a vehicle. I know it probably wasn't a smart choice but life is an adventure, I spend most of my days either at home (if you would even call this place home) or the shop. It's hard to pull inspiration when you're always stuck in a box 24/7. Business is slow so it's not easy to save like I used to, I do miss those $500-600 days back in Texas. Hopefully my next update I'll have a car and won't feel as trapped. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy thanksgiving ♣️

What am I thankful for? I'm thankful for a lot this year.  I have my health, my family, and friends. I've taken a big leap of faith to further my tattooing. After this I only have two options: 1. Fail and have to come back to texas with my pride shot in the head or 2. I succeed and make a name for myself and start living a life I am proud to live. Either way I am going to put my 100% into every tattoo and piece of artwork I do. There is one guy who I will always love and miss, if you've read this D just know I love you and I always will. I hope whatever life you have now I hope you are happy :) 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Update 11/3/13

It's my day off and today is a cold gloomy day. I did get some cleaning done though and took Roo for a walk. I need a bigger jacket :( so many things have changed in my life. I sometimes feel like I'm in a movie theatre watching events unfold in my life. This year was a year of growing and figuring out what I wanted to truly do with my life and how I'm going to get there. I will never quit tattooing. I love this life I have made for myself, I plan on doing bigger and better things in the next years of my life so one day I can look back and be proud at who I've become and the struggles I have survived through. I'm able to do what I want and better my skill with every tattoo now, I have my line work down so now I can concentrate more on filling and finishing solid tattoos. I do need to get my own machines because I've been barrowing my best friends extra machines since mine took a shit one day :( I'm working hard everyday but I will admit I could work harder. I've been working on drawing 5 custom pieces in 3 days, I have big weeks ahead of me. I don't think this will ever be read by anyone else besides me, but if you happen to have read my blog and are reading this now you can follow me on Instagram @gabesmithtattoos

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Well I spoke to soon ha ha

So me and J split up... Think I might have jinxed it or it just wasn't meant to be. Either way I'm proud to say that my life is headed in a better direction. For me my life has just barely begun and there is more to see before the day I die. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hmm..... It's been a while since I've posted anything

I'm proud to say that I have been building a very good portfolio for myself and I have been in a very good relationship for almost 8 months now. I'm very much in love with him, lets call him "J". Going to the body art expo in Houston next month and then a 4 day vacation with my babe for his bday. Life is good:)