Sunday, February 20, 2011

So I finished a few more practice tattoos

I think I'm a lot better now since I started a few days ago, my hand is getting used to the weight of the machines and I'm starting to shade a whole lot better. My lines are still a little shaky but thats because I don't take breaks like I should but I'm still learning and sure that in time I will be able to tattoo straight lines perfectly. I am so glad that D puts up with the loud humming sound my machines make, he has been very supportive of me ever since I started. I also ordered some more equipment, I am getting very fast at setting up my station now and even started dabbling in mixing my inks to get a different shade. I have been talking to a fellow artist and he has been giving me pointers here and there, I am very glad that I joined the site for tattoo artists. Well more to come hopefully!!!