Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So I have to finish what I started right

I need to finish up C's tattoo but just have been lacking any will power to practice on my fake skins so I don't fuck his real skin up. Maybe a nice bike ride will cheer me up and I can get to work, even though its late. I need to desperately go grocery shopping so we can have food to cook, but alas I must wait for D and C to get home from work to go because they had requested that we all go together. I know I should make a list but not right now, hell I'm basically the only one that cooks around here so I already know what to get at the store. I stopped by Dollar Tree earlier and got some cleaning supplies and plastic cups so I don't have to wash so many cups. I also had an interview at Homedepot today and I hope it went well and they hire me, I need this job bad right now. I have no money coming in and my tattooing isn't going as fast as I originally planned it to. I was supposed to have a mentor but he had to go work on oil rigs or something like that to support his family. I don't blame him and I am not mad at him for choosing to do so, it just sucks not having someone to tell me what I'm doing right and wrong. I have confidense that I will get it down soon and be tattooing before the end of this year. That is my goal to have at least do 10 tattoos and get paid for most of them, because supplies are so not cheap. If I land this job or any job soon then I wouldn't have to worry about the expenses because I can fund myself for a while, and stock up on some different size needles and grips. What's up with most ppl wanting something religious like angel wings or crosses...I totally don't believe in any of that but if its what they want then I suppose I will do them, I'd much rather do more wiccan and celtic type tattoos. Oh well beggers can't be choosers now can they :) Hope everyone had a great day!!! I don't believe in the whole concept of easter but I do enjoy spending time with my family and eating all those yummy hard boiled EGGS!!!! So going to have STANKY farts afterwards lmao!!! Oh well its a small price to pay for yummy eggs.