Sunday, September 11, 2011

Best time of my nights

My phone was on the brink of getting cut off last night bc I wasn't able to raise the money at the shop to pay it so I spent almost 3 hours on the phone with J before it was cut off. I love how we never really run out of things to say. So excited to go visit him, I will admit that I have been super giddy since we've planned this get together weekend. I was telling my mother about it and she's already jumping farther ahead than J and me, talking about oh if you like him are you going to move in with him. I was like "damn woman your just ready to get rid of me huh" . She just wants me to be happy, but not going to rush things. Its taken since about december for J and I to plan a meeting so who knows how long it will be before I move with him if we hit things off.