Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Willow Smith

Okay this lil one is a star already and she is going to be a bigger star in time, if you haven't heard her song 'Whip My Hair' then you need to. The video is so good too. She may be 9 but honey she rocks that hair and has a great voice. I'm rooting for her to beat that lesbian Justin B.


Okay I applied at Big 5 for the manager position and well here is how it went. They liked my job history and then he asked me if I was willing to relocate. The way that they do it is they train you in a manager position and ship you off to work in another town, he said it might be somewhere in Cali. Okay I'm not going to lie, it sounds great to be able to move to a new town and experience new things. Now I'm in a LTR and well I can't just leave my family behind especially my mother, and my new cute little apt family of me and D and K and don't forget Ramon (D's cat). I want to be a tattoo artist and that's what made me think about considering taking the offer of managing a store in Cali. oh well there is always going to be another opportunity right. I hope so!! Well that's how that went at Big 5.

Gay movies that I love

Okay I have already stated that I love Netflix, but I love netflix on the Wii because of all the gay themed movies I can watch. Right now D and me are watching The Brokenhearts Club, but some of my other favorite movies are: To Wong Foo thanks for Everything from Julie Newmar, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Connie & Carla, Its a Boy Girl Thing, TransAmerica, Queens and so on and so on. I wish D would just fucking get over his insecurities and just let us have some fucking friends for once. I wanna have some friends over for dinner and a movie or just have a small get together on the weekend. I'm tired of sitting at home all alone with nobody to talk to, I'd like to be able to get out of the house and hang out while D is at work and have him meet up with us after work. But until he realizes that I'm not going anywhere with anybody even if they are hotter or nicer than D, I just want us to have a healthy relationship that includes friends that we can talk to when we are mad at each other or have great conversations about funny shit that has happened to us or just about anything. Man oh man I have gotten so fucking lonely since I gave up having friends in order to have a life with D, sometimes it doesn't seem worth it anymore but I always seem to just move on.

I am going to start applying at places to get a job UGH

So things are not working out how I planned them to be, but its okay right? I mean I do have a roof over my head and food in the fridge. I just have to work harder to get what I need, maybe a good paying job is what I need to get myself started on what I need to start what I truly want for myself. Well here goes nothing.