Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One day down

I finished my first day at Brutal Nation Ink today. I had a fucking blast even though I was mopping and cleaning a lot. I was even a sign holder twice, free tattoos everyday. Come and see us if your in Odessa. I learned how to break down a tattoo station and set one up. So many rules and regulations but hey its worth learning. So many people came in today to get free tattoos, very few got big ones. But hey the shop just opened yesterday so things are gonna be running on the free tattoos till the reputation grows. I will do my best to promote the shop at work and wherever I go. The staff is super friendly and great, I fully appreciate my boss for the opportunity he has given me to achieve my dreams. I won't be going tomorrow because I work all day at Walmart, I assigned my Tuesdays and Thursdays as my off days from the shop so I can put in a whole 8 hours at work. Have to make money some how right. Really hope to be getting this car soon because I wanted to stay longer than 9 at the shop, but since I had my sis and mom waiting outside I had to leave. I'm so in love with the shop, oh and funny enough I always get lost in the back. Funny thing is that its just one strait line lol like a huge hallway. Oh and I was trying to take the tops off the inks and I spilt some on the WHITE counter lol, everyone was making fun of me lol. I got it cleaned up as much as possible but there is still some in the cracks. I quit because I didn't want to make anymore messes.