Saturday, October 30, 2010

A bust

Aww our Halloween Party is going to be a complete bust, I invited my family and D's family to come but D's family besides K that already lives here didn't show up. Its okay though and some of my family isn't going to come either. I wanted my mother to come but she said she was going to have to work all night, that sucks but I just want her to be happy.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Its been a while

Yeah so it has been a few days since I have posted up anything, So the Family Halloween Party  is tomorrow night at 7 I believe. We have been kind of broke lately because of the move into the apt and having to deal with all the new bills and apt fees like the cat fee and ect. So I am going to be a pirate for Halloween and D is going to be Cesar. I have no idea what K is going to be though, I told her to be Kim Kardasian by stuffing her ass and boobs a lot and wear a skank dress. I hope my mother and father come to the party, they never went to our last apt.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Here in Balmorhea watching some tv with my in-laws, going to El Paso in the AM so happy to be going to the Zoo. This family is so fun because they are loud and just completely different than my family. I may not be able to always understand them when I am around them but I feel apart of them.

Going to El Paso, TX

Okay so we are about to go to El Paso, Tx this weekend for our nieces 14th birthday. Wow I can still see her as a little girl that would help me take care of her sisters when I used to live with them in Az. Today we are just going to travel to Balmorhea and stay the night there at D's mom's house and then go to El Paso in the 6am Ugh but its okay. I have not been to El Paso in forever, I think the last time was when my grandmother died. I really want to go to the Zoo ha ha ha, I totally want to see some animals. I'm going to have to talk D into taking me, hopefully its just me and him because I want some alone time with him but knowing him he is going to wanna take his nephews and nieces along and I'll be stuck baby sitting like always. Its not that I don't like the kids its just that well I'm not a child person. I guess it has to do with me having to share D with anyone else, I can't help it I'm selfish. I want all his attention on me because I want to memories to look back on when we grow older. I'm going to take some pics and videos of the trip and hopefully of the ZOO ha ha, so I'll post a few. Well I've gotta get the stuff ready to load up in the truck.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Willow Smith

Okay this lil one is a star already and she is going to be a bigger star in time, if you haven't heard her song 'Whip My Hair' then you need to. The video is so good too. She may be 9 but honey she rocks that hair and has a great voice. I'm rooting for her to beat that lesbian Justin B.


Okay I applied at Big 5 for the manager position and well here is how it went. They liked my job history and then he asked me if I was willing to relocate. The way that they do it is they train you in a manager position and ship you off to work in another town, he said it might be somewhere in Cali. Okay I'm not going to lie, it sounds great to be able to move to a new town and experience new things. Now I'm in a LTR and well I can't just leave my family behind especially my mother, and my new cute little apt family of me and D and K and don't forget Ramon (D's cat). I want to be a tattoo artist and that's what made me think about considering taking the offer of managing a store in Cali. oh well there is always going to be another opportunity right. I hope so!! Well that's how that went at Big 5.

Gay movies that I love

Okay I have already stated that I love Netflix, but I love netflix on the Wii because of all the gay themed movies I can watch. Right now D and me are watching The Brokenhearts Club, but some of my other favorite movies are: To Wong Foo thanks for Everything from Julie Newmar, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Connie & Carla, Its a Boy Girl Thing, TransAmerica, Queens and so on and so on. I wish D would just fucking get over his insecurities and just let us have some fucking friends for once. I wanna have some friends over for dinner and a movie or just have a small get together on the weekend. I'm tired of sitting at home all alone with nobody to talk to, I'd like to be able to get out of the house and hang out while D is at work and have him meet up with us after work. But until he realizes that I'm not going anywhere with anybody even if they are hotter or nicer than D, I just want us to have a healthy relationship that includes friends that we can talk to when we are mad at each other or have great conversations about funny shit that has happened to us or just about anything. Man oh man I have gotten so fucking lonely since I gave up having friends in order to have a life with D, sometimes it doesn't seem worth it anymore but I always seem to just move on.

I am going to start applying at places to get a job UGH

So things are not working out how I planned them to be, but its okay right? I mean I do have a roof over my head and food in the fridge. I just have to work harder to get what I need, maybe a good paying job is what I need to get myself started on what I need to start what I truly want for myself. Well here goes nothing.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I like that we have netflix because well its great that we get to watch a whole variety of movies that we would never have known about. Right now we are watching a funny but very strange movie about the mob, its got a gay twist to it. I'm so ready for Halloween this year, we are having a party to celebrate our new apt.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Its Sunday everyone and well its a great day to be alive like any other day I suppose. I started my day out with watching Kloe and Courtney take Miami with K, I had no idea that it was such an addicting show. Well this weekend we are going to be going to El Paso for my nieces 14th birthday, wow just another year and we will be throwing her a quince. I feel like I might be apart of the family more and more now, before I would just sit there and they would talk spanish and I would just stare into nothingness while they talked. Now they include me in the conversations and they don't make a fuss about translating for me as if they had been doing it their whole lives for me. Plus when we already have some history between us, I have known his family for about four years now. They are so close with each other, they are almost the complete opposite of my family. They are SUPER loud but care for each other in a special way that makes me wish my family was closer like them, don't get me wrong okay I love my family but they are not that close. My second eldest brother moved out of the house when he was 16 and we hardly ever talk to him. my oldest brother is around now but he comes and goes like no ones business, now my sister is a very different story. She is great, and I'm glad she is there with my mom right now. I live on the other side of town and don't have a vehicle to be getting around to see her everyday. Hopefully that will all change soon when I get my tattoo guns and supplies, I'll be a tattoo guy and be able to afford what I need to succeed in life.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Okay its been three days

So in the beginning of the year like Feb. I got a car and up until July I was able to make the payments, now that I have no job I can't make the payments anymore so my oldest brother R has taken over payments. So the payment on the car is $300 every 13th of every month for the next two years, well his first payment he was 13 days late. Now he is late again and I'm afraid that its going to mess up my credit a lot, I made him sign a contract saying that if he isn't able to make the payments I will make them for him and until he pays me back I will have custody of the car. Now I talked to my sis and she made it seem like I was being a bad guy for wanting to do that in order to protect my credit. My mother on the other hand told me to do what I need to do, I love my brother but honestly he isn't the most reliable guy in the world. I'm glad i made him sign a contract even though he is blood because he isn't concerned with my credit just the hood rats he sleeps with. If anyone is reading this can you please give me your insight to this topic. How do I deal with getting my brother to pay up with out fucking up our brotherly bonds?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10- 13-2010

Hello everyone,

Today was a great day even though they cut off our hot water from 9Am to 6PM, I woke up feeling great. K was watching The Kardasians on the Wii so I sat down and we watched a few episodes of that then we started watching Heroes. Man that is a great show, K and I have really gotten into it a lot. We are almost done with the third season and only have one more season left. I love having Netflix on our Wii because we don't have cable. K is addicted to Teen Mom and Sixteen and Pregnant and I'm so wonderfully addicted to Glee so we always go to my mothers house with K and we watch our shows with my family. My sis E likes all the shows K and I like so it makes for great company and conversation. I like that K is spending every Tuesday with me and my family, feels like we are really bonding.

Monday, October 11, 2010


So last time I wrote it was midnight. Today was an eventful day, D and I started early today. Well I should explain that early to me is 11:00 AM and early to D is 9:00AM. We wanted to get all of our laundry done today because we didn't realize that we have a lot of clothes and we only wear half of them, well yeah we forgot that we needed to clean and hand in the keys to the old apt. so we just got dressed because the hot water was off for some reason. I think they were fixing on the pipes or something, well I was super hungry and didn't want to be awake till 2:00 PM, sure as hell didn't want to be cleaning a run down apt. that I hated living in. Then to top it off I remembered that D was off today and yeah we always fight on his days off, its just something that happens. Okay lets get back to the topic ha ha ha, so yeah there was a lot to clean in the apt. but we finally got it done today. We loaded up the last of all our stuff and handed in our keys to the apt. manager and drove off, then headed to my parents house to drop off my daddies bar-b-q pit that he had lent to us and drop off some cheese. Then we paid a visit to K at her job, then headed home to clean some more and finish our laundry. Now D is decorating our apt. in Halloween decor, its very BRIGHT!! I like it because we are the best decorated apt. even though we are the ONLY decorated apt. Well we just ate and now I'm so tired, I'm about to stuff more food into me. Sweets are my weakness as they are for many others, but I'm not a big fan of breaded sweets like the mexican sweet breads and cakes. I'm done today talk to everyone tomorrow.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Day 10/11/2010

So this is the first day of my blog, this is kind of weird because I usually keep my life to myself and my family only. Now I feel like I'd like some advise from complete strangers that are not bias towards myself or anyone else I mention. They will give me the truth they see and I'm looking forward to see how I react to their words about me daily life. I am going to be writing about my life everyday, yeah that sounds kind of boring but if I don't try then I won't know for sure will I. Okay for tonight's topic: I have a partner (D) and his sister (K) and we all just started living together in our new apt on Friday the 8th. D and I have been together off and on for about 4-5 years now and we were officially living together last year in Nov. and K started living with us on our last month at our old apt. So far it as been great and I like the time I spend with K. So this is the deal, D is our bread winner and K just needs to pay for herself. I honestly don't mind letting her just worry about her own stuff because its not like we want her to pay for everything, she is just starting her life out of a small country town. Now about me, ha ha ha, well I have no job. I used to work as a tobacco cashier for Sam's Club but that went south due to them being so pushy about certain things, then I became a car salesman and well that didn't work out because I wasn't a cut throat soul stealing non-emotional guy. Now I am a stay at home boyfriend/house wife, but to be honest I'm not such a great house wife because I lack a boat load of motivation to get things done on time. So if there is anyone out there who reads this and is kind of in the same situation as me I would like your input on this.