Monday, April 25, 2011

For Cheyenne

Did a tattoo for baby Cheyenne on Ashley's wrist. I didn't take a very good picture so I am just going to post the bad ones I took. Sorry for the quality guys.

Sarah Jane Smith R.I.P.

My father's tattoo that I did
I started off my Easter with a bang, well more like a BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Because I gave my dad a tattoo for his late sister, I hope wherever she may be she likes it. It meant a lot to me to be asked to put it on him. Going to put a small tattoo on my brothers fiance today, so I'll be posting up that pic later. Oh and did I mention that my apts pool is finally open, well its not very big or deep. Its only 5' deep :( bummer but hey we had fun in it either way so I can't complain. Its suppose to be like 100 on Saturday so I'm going swimming again then, but maybe I'll take a dip by myself before then. If I manage to get a tan I'll post up a pic lol.