Thursday, November 24, 2011

Didn't last long now did it

I left N, well his words " I don't have time for any relationship" let me know its time to say goodbye. Then he says " I truly cared about you", yeah if he truly cared about me he wouldn't have started a relationship with me if he couldn't handle being in one. Thanksgiving blows this year ugh FML, Xmas is going to suck even more beause the past 5 xmas' I've been by D's side. I don't want to be without him anymore but that's not my choice to make is it? I love him with all my heart but he doesn't love me, I'd like to know how he stopped loving me and what I did that was so bad for him to move on. I guess I'll never know, I think I'm destined to live with a missing piece in my heart where D's love is suppose to go. If your reading this D just know that I love you forever and always. I'm not to proud to say that I want to be back by your side.