Sunday, March 6, 2011

Miss Nacho

So we had our Chihuahua Nacho this weeked and he is so adorable but we don't want to shell out $450 to let him stay. He loves to cuddle up with us in bed and sleeps a lot lol, that's my kind of dog!!! I love the plan D has for us, he wants to get some land and build a house and have some horses. I will finally get to have Nacho and our baby girl Doofy. Doofy is an American Staffordshire and she is so big and adorable!! Love her eyes because one is blue and the other is white. Oh and well I got my tattoo stuff a few days ago but I'm missing some stuff so I e-mailed the company but still don't have a  response. Pisses me off but what can I do the company is all the way in China :(