Sunday, March 25, 2012

Living the dream!!!!

So I was just expecting today to be a normal busy Saturday at the shop when BLAMO my amazing boss Tony comes up and says these guys want ass tattoos do you wanna do em? I was nervous and hesitant but said yes. He said that's fine charge em 80 each and if their cool with it get it done. I talked to the guys and they backed out bc they said it was to expensive, I said well if you change your mind I'll be here. Sure enough they came back bc other shops said more obviously . 2 of the cowboys got "mo money mo problems" on their butts and the last guy got a fat mud flap girl on his butt. I had a blast with these guys. Now I know what its like to tattoo a butt. I also got to do a rad piece on some guys arm. What's even better my boss have me 50% at the end of the night. I am on cloud 9 bc I have my fucking awesome bf and I'm tattooing at the best shop around. I still have tons to learn and just make myself a bad ass artist. Oh and I'm learning to pierce so when I'm not tattooing I'll be making money piercing .