Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Finally got the explorer running

Worked hard to get the explorer running again but it's going good. I had to replace the muffler and my front driver side brake fell off when I drove it haha. It's all good now I hope :) now all I need to do is just get it registered and inspected and ill be good to go. I don't know what to name it though, it just hasn't came to me yet. Oh and I left E bc we just were not compatible at all, ever since then I have seen y true love D a few times. He just puts a super smile on my face, we are only talking now and not making any crazy moves. I don't know what the future is between us and I'm not planning one. If he is planning to move away soon we will just hang out till then but if not maybe we'll just figure it out. He is different now than he used to be and I'm still trying to see if its for the better or the worst ha ha, but he's still a great kisser :p

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the Explorer. Fords run forever if you take care of them.
