Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blast from the past...but not in a good way.

Things are going great with my babe Kuma, I'm super happy to report that. I also got an apprenticeship at another tattoo shop, so now I'm working all day most days. I love being out of the house bc well its way to crowded here. Another thing I wanted to vent about is this, my Ex D text me yesterday from out of knowhere. I have not mesaged him in a long time since I made it clear in my mind that I'm going to be happy and be with Kuma. I deleted all his messages and emails from the past, deleted his little brother from my FB. I just cut all ties with him so that he could just be in my past and I can move on. Well he text me and I was kinda thrown for a little loop. I didn't need this especially while I was working a busy day at the shop. He said he was bored at home and wanted to say hi, I told him he didn't have the right anymore to be trying to contact me. I begged and begged to have him take me back after he was the one to fuck me over, that was sad and I realize that now. I am never going to allow myself to be his back up plan for when his current man sees that he's a waste of time bc all he does is cheat and lie. I hope he regrets not having me in his life anymore bc I now have someone who appreciates having me in his life everyday. I'm glad I met Kuma when I did, I had plenty of time to work on myself and know what I want for my life and build up my own self respect. I was a happy and satisfied man when I met Kuma and he just adds more to my life. I'm happy I don't have any baggage to bring into this relationship, I don't have trust issues with Kuma bc he's nothing like D. I realize now that with D I settled for so long bc I had low self esteem and always thought I would never find the kind of man I really wanted so I settled for him. The only thing D has in common with the kinds of men I like was his height and that he wasn't a stereotypical fem gay, other than that I loved him blindly. Kuma on the other hand just takes my breath away everytime I see him. He's furry in all the right places and his eyes are perfect. I want to just stare into them forever along with that smile. I can definately see myself waking up to that everyday and falling asleep to that every night. He's an amazing kisser my heart races everytime he touches me. Another thing that makes me so happy is that he has his life and does things, he goes camping and traveling. He loves living his life and doesn't make it all about work. He also loves games of all kinds from board games to video games, he's even apart of a gaming group called Gaymers I think. Could I ask for a more perfect man? Its like he was made for me and if he was I'm not complaining. I see a bright and happy future with him, yes I know its not always going to be rainbows and sunshine but if our love is strong we can work through anything. My friend said we are super compatible bc I'm an earth sign and he's a water sign, so yay more good news right. Lets just hope D sees that he no longer has a future in my life and moves on completely, he chose his path and now has to live with it. I have my path and I'm not walking it alone bc I have Kuma to walk beside me. Until my next entry I love you all.

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