Sunday, July 24, 2011

No love in my life

I hate that I can't trust any men right now, I see a lot of great guys and have talked to a few as well but everytime something in the back of my head says "don't trust them, its only a matter of time" so I just politely decline any invites. I'm just not ready and I've also got my apprenticeship to concentrate on. My friend from work said he wanted to try and hook me up with one of his friends from work but I just don't have the time, money, or the trust for that. I really appreciate him trying to help my single situation but for now I'll just have to turn my lonelyness into something positive. I see myself moving away from this town once I'm done with my apprenticeship, I want to stay with the shop for a while. I hope they open one up in my town by the time I'm done with my training, the 20 min drive to and from Odessa is long. Love will have to wait, oh and besides the men are sure to be much better when I move away.


  1. Gabriel, I know doing the right thing for yourself at the present time is difficult, you are on the right track. I know bc, I have to shake myself everytime I look at your pictures. Woof. your a sweet and loving person.. So SEXY too.

  2. Well if I am ever single and your not, your man betta look out.

  3. well mr.anonymous I appreciate the comment, I'm working hard at reaching my tattooing dream. I sometimes wish I had someone waiting for me at home especially on bad days but then I snap out of it and remember that I have nobody because I can't trust them enough to let them get any closer. I miss being able to snug up to somebody at night and wake up with them next to me. Sometimes I want to break down so badly and just be down and out, its a stuggle everyday to just pick myself up and remind myself that I don't need anyone to make myself happy. Its also hard to be happy at the shop anymore but I find a way to smile through it all. I know that I'm going to make it through the apprenticeship, but might not stick with the same shop. There is so much drama that is not needed. If I could find an apprenticehip anywhere else that was free I'd really consider going and apprenticing there but then again I"m a broke mexican so I'm not in a position to be picky as long as I get to tattoo. Oh and don't worry I've vowed off any relationships for a year, so if you end up single by that time hit me up ha ha ha. I say that and I don't even know who you are, man I must be lonely :)
