Monday, November 8, 2010


So my brother finally moved all his stuff to his new apt and he had to leave behind one of his wonderful dogs, her name is Dixie. If I have never mentioned before but I once had the best dog on the world named Diamond and Dixie is the spitting image of her. Yeah she does have white fur as well as black but her shape and personality is almost a perfect twin of my sweet Diamond. Well we have Ramon and he has been acting crazy as of late, like pissing on our clothing and bedding. We have always given him as much attention as we always have. We are going to make a tough decision to ask our apts to possibly switch Ramon out for Dixie. D is starting to really have bad reactions toward Ramon also, so I believe its best to find Ramon a new home. Besides we have always been dog people. Now we have Doofy, Nacho, and now Dixie. I hope someone isn't going to tell me about any other dogs that are cute. Ugh I just can't say no sometimes. Well I'll let you guys know if we are allowed to switch the cat out for the doggy. Sorry Ramon but you gotta go.

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