Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Well that was a bust

So I asked D for the $300 loan and well lets just say he didn't just shoot me down he blew my ass out the fucking sky. Sucks that the one person you say you love with your whole heart looks at you and tells you " go to a loan company and see if they would give you a loan without a job" that was low D really low. So now I see how it is going to be, once I get up and going on my dream don't think about asking me for jack. I will help pay bills but other than that your money is yours and mine is mine. Some fucked up relationship huh, can't believe I still say I love you after that crap. Worst part is that I just take it and don't talk back because you know I have nowhere to go if you decide to leave me and force me to move out. Let me tell you that is not a great feeling, but I guess it is what it is. I will smile and tell you I love you till the day I die but remember what you deny me of and know that karma works both ways. I never asked to just give me the money but to simply loan it to me and trust in me that I can make my dream come true, but you don't and that hurts bad. I see you so anxious to hand out hundreds and thousands to your family without hesitation and you know you will never see this money again. It just hurts.


  1. No one should feel trapped. Wow, my bf must be lucky. Dude, if you need to talk, holla back

